الاثنين، 22 ديسمبر 2014

London's most expensive to stay in Europe

New research has shown that London became the capital of Europe's most expensive to stay this year, an increase of more than 13 Zھ compared with 2013.


London became the capital of Europe's most expensive residence

And with the average height of â € <â € <room rates in London for up to nearly 116 pounds a night, and this puts the British capital before Zurich and Moscow, which both have average â € <â € <rates from 111 pounds per room.

While London remains the most expensive British city average â € <â € <room rate per night, Edinburgh is the second most expensive city in the United Kingdom with an average 89 pounds sterling a significant increase of the average â € <â € <room rate estimated at more than 14 Zھ.

For those searching for the right price from the low budget, the cheapest British Chamber can be found will be in Liverpool, which saw a decrease in room rates by nearly 5 Zھ compared with 2013.

Swiss city of Zurich and has been ranked the Russian capital, Moscow, among the most expensive cities of Europe this year, also with an average of 111 pounds per room per night. The figures showed that the average â € <â € <room rate in Moscow fell by 7 Zھ fell nearly 2 Zھ in Zurich compared with last year.

Prices also rose in Mexico City Mexico City at a rate of 12 per cent, the Indian city New Delhi by 11 per cent from the previous year, making them among the most expensive to stay this year.

If you're a low-budget, the cheapest room rates European'll find in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, with an average price of up to 66 pounds per night only. The research also showed that travelers to Prague, Lisbon can also take advantage of more moderate prices of rooms with provision for travel expenses.

Research also revealed that the Turkish city of Istanbul and the Norwegian capital of Oslo this year has witnessed the establishment of the cost is less than the previous year, where room rates have dropped by around seven per cent in these cities.

Hotel room rates also fell in nearly two-thirds of global cities, which saw Sydney decrease of 12 per cent, followed by Toronto, Canada, down 11 per cent on average â € <â € <room rates this year compared with 2013.

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