الجمعة، 24 أكتوبر 2014


There is no definitive information on ecotourism market origins. However, based on demand data, it is clear that the international market demands are centred in North America and Europe. Eagles and Higgins (1998) estimate from anecdotal sources that the most prominent countries supplying ecotourists, in order of market size, are the USA, the UK, Germany, Canada, France, Australia, The Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, New Zealand, Norway and Denmark. In addition, Japan, southern Europe and the newly industrialized Asian countries are also generating increasing numbers of ecotourists.
In Australia, a study of nature-based tourists asked about the importance of nature-based outdoor activities in destination selection. Germans, Scandinavians and Canadians were much more influenced by opportunities for nature activities than other origin areas. The percentage of national park visitors was analysed as a proportion of total visitation from each country, to determine those origins with a higher than average propensity to visit. Although the largest numbers of visitors to Australian national parks were from Asia, a smaller than average proportion from this market visited these sites. Japanese visitors account for the largest percentage of participants in most nature-based activities, because they account for a very large share of total visitors . They do not, however, reflect a particularly high propensity to participate in such activities . British, US, German and Scandinavian visitors appear to be more active participants in nature-based activities, relative to visitors from other origins. Additionally, Blamey (1995) suggests that outback safari tours are most similar to ecotourism experiences. Table shows origin interests by select experience.

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