الجمعة، 24 أكتوبر 2014

What Is Tourism?

But what is the travel and tourism? It does not fit the mold of the industry? To answer these questions, we need tourism, and tourism. Clearly, there is confusion and debate about the definitions of travel and tourism. Is it the same or not tourists seeking fun while travelers can also be a business? The extent to which you can travel from home to be a tourist / traveler? Will pay for a room for tourists? . . . And so on. From the perspective of economic development and / or economic impact of visitors, tourists and called nominally is a person who comes from the area, and spend the money, and leaves. We use economic framework to be comparable with the concept of "industry", which is an economic term. The reasons for the visit and the length of stay, length of travel, or the distance from home is not great.
Thus, tourists know as a person traveling outside the normal routine of his life, a normal life or normal work routine, which spends money. This definition visitor / tourist as follows:
• People who live in hotels, motels, resorts, camps or.
• People who are visiting friends or relatives.
• People who visit the only pass to go somewhere else.
• People who are on a day trip (do not spend the night). And
• The category of "other" people in canoes, sleeping in any vehicle, or who do not meet the above.
For the purposes of this definition, and knows the resident (or a person who is not a tourist) as a person to stay more than 30 days. We note that visitors / tourists can: • attend a meeting or conference.
• Be a business from their home area. Be in a tour group;
• Be an individual or a travel holiday entertainment, including entertainment shopping. Or
• Step for personal or family reasons.
In today's world, there are three problems with this definition:
1 Some people travel long distances to shop, especially in the outlet stores. They can do this several times a year. They are difficult to measure. Technically they are not tourists. Shopping has become routine.
2 to maintain two residences on some home-winter and summer house. Residence in excess of one month and generally are not classified these people and tourists. Again, their travel is routine. However, short-stay visitors to their homes or if rents are
3 When people live in an area outside the destination and have friends or relatives to visit them, how to classify these visitors when they visit a destination? In fact, the problem here is not whether they are tourists. This visit friends or relatives clearly. Instead, the question is which area gets the credit? Or, how it should be classified as people visit? Again, although the measurement is difficult, destination area that thanks to the money spent on it.
Tourism, so it can be considered:
• a social phenomenon, not a productive activity.
• Total expenditures of all travelers and visitors for all purposes, and do not get a small group of similar institutions; and
• Experience or a process, not a product of the experience is very diverse.
Emphasis on this point of view of tourism, let's focus on the economic impact of tourism on the economic health of the community. The best measure of the economic impact of this is not recipes for some types of businesses. Instead, the economic impact of tourism begins with total spending of all tourists. Yes, this includes the impact of some recipes for accommodation, restaurants, attractions and petrol (gas) stations, tourist-oriented businesses traditional. (We can note that these companies vary widely). However, it also includes retail purchases, which often amount to more than the money spent on housing. These include services (haircuts, car repair), and highway tolls in some countries, and the contributions of the church, and so on. In fact, visitors to spend money on almost everything people do. Thus, each and every "industry" that sell to consumers receiving money from tourism. Obviously, did not meet the criteria for a similar activity or product or production process common in the field of tourism! In addition, the condition is not met, either replace. More often than not, most of these expenditures go together as complementary or additional purchases. Even the food is not competitive with accommodation. Visitor buys two. I saw this road, travel, tourism and the movement of people from the usual routine of work, pleasure, or for personal reasons, and much, much more than just the "industry" in the traditional sense of the word. As an economic power, is the effect of all of that visitor or tourist spends. So we really spending the basis of the phenomenon, and not receiptsdriven

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